EAS UIKit Reference - v0.0.4


EAS UIKit is a collection of components and utilities used to build applications on top of Ethereum Attestation Service. Developers can quickly build applications that interact with the EAS smart contracts by using the components provided by EAS UIKit.

  1. Schema Builder
  2. Schema Viewer
  3. Attest Schema
  4. Attestation Viewer

To get started with EAS UIKit, you can install the package using the following command/s:

npm install eas-uikit
# or
yarn add eas-uikit
# or
pnpm add eas-uikit

you can the then import the components in your application as shown below:

import {
} from 'eas-uikit';

The Schema Viewer component allows you to view the details about the schema such as fields, revocable details, etc.

It takes in the following props:

  • schemaUID: string: The uid of the schema to view
  • registryAddress: string: The SchemaRegistry contract address on the network.
  • signer: Signer: The ethers.js signer object.
registryAddress='0x0a7E2Ff54e76B8E6659aedc9103FB21c038050D0' // Sepolia Schema Registry Address

The Schema Builder component allows you to create a new schema by specifying the fields, revocable details, expiration time, recipients, etc.

It takes in the following props:

  • signer: Signer: The ethers.js signer object.
  • registryAddress: string: The SchemaRegistry contract address on the network.
  • onSuccess: (uid: string, receipt?: TransactionReceipt) => void | Promise<void>: Optional Callback function that is called when the schema is successfully created.
  • onError: (error: unknown) => void | Promise<void>: Optional Callback function that is called when an error occurs while creating the schema.

Usage example:

registryAddress='0x0a7E2Ff54e76B8E6659aedc9103FB21c038050D0' // Sepolia Schema Registry Address
onError={(error) => console.error('Error creating schema:', error)}
onSuccess={(uid) => console.log('Schema created with uid:', uid)}

The Attestation Maker component allows you to create an attestation for a schema by specifying the schema UID, recipient, data, etc.

It takes in the following props:

  • schemaUID: string: The uid of the schema to attest.
  • easContractAddress: string: The EAS contract address on the network.
  • registryAddress: string: The SchemaRegistry contract address on the network.
  • signer: Signer: The ethers.js signer object.
  • onSuccess: (uid: string, receipt?: TransactionReceipt) => void | Promise<void>: Optional Callback function that is called when the attestation is successfully created.
  • onError: (error: unknown) => void | Promise<void>: Optional Callback function that is called when an error occurs while creating the attestation.

Usage example:

easContractAddress='0xC2679fBD37d54388Ce493F1DB75320D236e1815e' // Sepolia EAS Contract Address
registryAddress='0x0a7E2Ff54e76B8E6659aedc9103FB21c038050D0' // Sepolia Schema Registry Address
onError={(error) => console.error('Error creating attestation:', error)}
onSuccess={(uid) => console.log('Attestation created with uid:', uid)}

The Attestation Viewer component allows you to view the details about the attestation such as schema, decoded data, expiration time, etc.

It takes in the following props:

export interface AttestationViewerProps { attestationUID: string; easContractAddress: string; registryAddress: string; signer?: Signer; }

  • attestationUID: string: The uid of the attestation to view.
  • easContractAddress: string: The EAS contract address on the network.
  • registryAddress: string: The SchemaRegistry contract address on the network.
  • signer: Signer: The ethers.js signer object.

Usage example:

easContractAddress='0xC2679fBD37d54388Ce493F1DB75320D236e1815e' // Sepolia EAS Contract Address
registryAddress='0x0a7E2Ff54e76B8E6659aedc9103FB21c038050D0' // Sepolia Schema Registry Address

For a complete API Reference of available functions and usage examples, please refer to the Generated Typedocs at: https://eas-uikit.envoy1084.xyz